


This is the introduction to the project. Visiting the page will complete the challenge. Click WebWolf on the left sidebar to continue.


1. Introducing WebWolf

Similar to the WebGoat page previously visited, this is an introduction to the WebWolf part of the project. WebWolf is a separate web application which simulates an attackers machine.

2. Uploading files

For this challenge you need to visit the WebWolf page. Go to localhost:9090/home use the credentials that you created for WebGoat to log in.

Once logged in, on navigation bar on the top of the page click on files. Upload a file using the interface.

3. Your own mailbox

Scroll down to the bottom of the page in WebGoat and input your email address which is: [email protected], where username is the username you created for WebGoat. Click on "Send e-mail".

Now, go to WebWolf and navigate to "Mailbox". There should be a message in there that has a unique code. Copy this code and navigate back to WebGoat. Input the code in the box and press "Go".

4. Landing page

In Webgoat click on "Click here to reset your password". This will open a new Reset you password page, put in a new password. Once you hit Save, you will be redirected to an error page, look at the URL for your unique code.